The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

 –Martin Luther king jr.



At International School of Accra, we continually ask ourselves, “How do we best prepare our students for the world outside of ISA?” For us the answer lies not only in our formal curriculum framework, but also the numerous learning opportunities we offer outside of the classroom.  Some these learning opportunities include:


Unlike many international schools where issues of discipline and ethics are relegated to the background, at ISA they are an integral part of our comprehensive and well rounded program. Indeed, we take our responsibility to nurture morally upright and confident individuals who are open minded and empathetic very seriously.

SERVICE LEARNING: Students engage in numerous and wide-ranging endeavors such as fundraising, environmental improvement, advocacy on social issues, involvement with local and international service agencies worldwide etc. Through these efforts, students gain insight into the problems faced by others and the satisfaction of knowing they may have made a difference.


Teachers at ISA are encouraged to explore the wide array of resources available in the area to enhance in-class learning. Field trips range from visits to local museums, to investigation of water conditions of water bodies, to observation of open-heart surgery at a local hospital. There are also grade-level trips for students, which focus on priorities such as team-building or developing leadership skills; these trips may also include academic and service components.


students engage in language trips to France, Spain, and China during the summer break. In addition to this, students travel oversea to participate in programs such as IB world students’ conferences, Global leadership conference, Washington DC etc.




Students engage in wide range of club activities such as robotics, reading and debate, theater art, music, dance and opera.  Events and programs such as , TED talks, mother tongue day, Model UN ( MUN) conferences, science fairs, art festival, cultural week are also organized regularly etc.


This is a special center at International School of Accra that encourages and provides opportunities for students to adopt a global and social perspective on issues related their studies. Key industry leaders are invited to share their experiences with our students.The center promotes entrepreneurship, leadership, innovation and creativity in students. There are also programs on digital learning and innovation (Robotics, app development, coding and animation).

Technical/Vocational programs

All Students are required to choose from the subject groups below. The maximum possible number of subjects a student can select is 10. students are however encouraged to keep workload at eight subjects. students will only be permitted to study 10 subjects when they can justify so in a written letter signed by both the student and their parents. Students in Grades 9-10 take two compulsory subjects in those two years as well as elective courses chosen from an array of options. 

* Fashion Design
* House painting
* Painting
* Hair barbering
* Make-up, nail and hair styling
* Catering and bakery
* Plumbing
* Driving lessons available only students 17 and above. Application for driving License available for students 18years of age